Fondazione Boschi Di Stefano

The Foundation today

The museum that goes up

Thanks to the contribution of Fondazione Cariplo, Boschi Di Stefano Foundation is committed to curate the project “THE MUSEUM THAT RISES – Casa Museo Boschi Di Stefano between creative hub and urban regeneration” in partnership with the City of Milan.

The project to support the Casa Museo will allow for:

  • improving accessibility through the installation of a retractable elevator platform for people with motor disabilities or reduced mobility
  • create a program of new cultural offerings, “The Museum Next Door”, that will provide educational activities for schools, workshops with artists and targeted communication including by digital technologies and tools.


The “Companion Guides” of the Boschi Di Stefano Foundation

published at random intervals, were devised to keep a written record of particular aspects of the Boschi Di Stefano Collection, regarding both the works and the lives of the collectors and their families as well as the cultural scene in Milan in which the collection of the works matured and grew in the middle of the last century. Small mini-guides have been published on the contents of the Museum-Home, the first entitled The Works and the second The Furnishings, the former written by Maria Teresa Fiorio and the latter by Ornella Selvafolta. They provide a room by room description of the Museum. The “Companion Guide” entitled L’aria della sera edited by Francesco Degrada was published in memory of a series of concerts held in the Museum-Home in 2003. Three “Family Albums” have also been published. The first, dedicated to Marieda Di Stefano’s family and adolescence, contains an introduction by Alessandro Mendini, who was her nephew, while the second, on the family life of the married couple, focuses on their leisure time and the places they visited on vacations together. It contains a commentary by Ezio Antonini. The third and final album, dedicated to the travels of the collector couple, contains an introduction by Giacomo Corna Pellegrini.

The books are not for sale, but are intended to add to our knowledge of the Musemum-Home.

L’aria della sera
Le opere
Gli arredi
Album di famiglia n.1
Album di famiglia n.2
Album di famiglia n.3